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London to Orlando | 0203 859 5888

If you need flights from London airports to Orlando airports, keep in your mind some useful points which are below-

Best time to visit Orlando

The peak time to visit Orlando city is between December and May because at in those days it is fulfilled with natural beauty and has comfortable temperature for tourists. Temperatures range lie 16°C and 30°C. If you want cheap flights to Orlando from London, book flights in low season which starts from late August through November.

Airlines that fly to Orlando from London

Flights from London to Orlando[] are offered by most major airlines which are British Airways, Thomas Cook Airlines, Virgin Atlantic Airways, KLM, Air Canada, Delta Air Lines and Air France.

London to Orlando Routes 

There are almost 16 airlines flying from London to Orlando.

There are 12 different flights routes from London to Orlando.

The minimum flight time from London, United Kingdom to Orlando, USA is 9 hrs 18 mins.

The flight distance from London United Kingdom to Orlando, USA is 4,348 miles.

London to Orlando Flights Info

Lowest ticket price from London, United Kingdom to Orlando, USA is £435.

Average flight price from London, United Kingdom to Orlando, USA is £760.

British Airways has 7 nonstop flights between London and Orlando.

 5,236 seats are available per week to fly direct from London to Orlando.

The smallest aircraft flying nonstop from London to Orlando is the Boeing 777 with 297 seats.

Other Information

Orlando International Airport is Orlando airport and Heathrow, London City, Luton, Stansted and Gatwick are the airports of London.

Codes of Orlando airport are MCO and airports code of London are LCY, LGW, LHR, LTN, & STN.

The currency used in Orlando, USA is US dollars and the currency used in London is pound sterling.

Currency exchange rate in Orlando $1.00 = £0.60

How much do things cost in London and Orlando?

 London is 44% more expensive than Orlando.

Things cost in London

3 course meal for 2:                          £50.00  

1 bedroom flat in city centre:              £1500.84       

Coke/Pepsi (0.33 litre):                        £1.16   

1 mile taxi journey:                                  £4.00     

Things cost in Orlando

3 course meal for 2:                               £25.13

1 bedroom flat in city centre:                 £518.21

Coke/Pepsi (0.33 litre):                          £0.87

1 mile taxi journey:                                  £1.47

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